2023/01/14 雅思考試大作文 - 問題解決型
Some ex-prisoners commit crimes after being released from the prison.?
What do you think is the cause?? ?How can it be solved?
The issue of re-offending among ex-prisoners is a significant concern in many societies across the globe. This essay will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and propose some potential solutions.
The primary cause for the recurrence of criminal behaviour among former inmates is the difficulty they face in reintegrating into society. Often, these individuals lack the necessary skills or qualifications to secure stable employment, and thus, they struggle to support themselves financially. Furthermore, the social stigma attached to having a criminal record can exacerbate their sense of alienation and make it challenging for them to form healthy relationships or access social support systems. As a result, many ex-prisoners may feel that they have no choice but to revert to criminal activities in order to survive.
To address this issue, various strategies can be implemented. Firstly, it is crucial to provide inmates with education and vocational training while they are in prison. This would equip them with the skills needed to gain employment upon their release and reduce their likelihood of returning to a life of crime. For example, prison programs that teach inmates skills such as carpentry, plumbing, or computer programming have proven to be effective in reducing recidivism rates in countries like Norway and Sweden.
Secondly, society needs to work towards eliminating the stigma associated with former prisoners. This can be achieved through public awareness campaigns that emphasize the possibility of rehabilitation and the importance of providing second chances. Additionally, legislation could be introduced to prevent employers from discriminating against individuals with a criminal history, thus improving the job prospects for ex-prisoners.
In conclusion, the high rates of re-offending among ex-prisoners can be attributed to difficulties in social reintegration and employment. By focusing on rehabilitation within the prison system and fostering a more accepting society, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of these individuals resorting back to criminal activities.