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2023-11-30 17:04 作者:薩霞  | 我要投稿

七七 | 2023屆T8聯(lián)考英語丨語法填空

An anxious 18-year-old Peng Lanxi got his 56 admission(admit)letter from Hunan University of Science and Technology on July 26. bringing his dream closer—making prosthetic limbs(假肢)more advanced and 57 accessible(access)to people like him.

  • have access to / be accessible to

Peng lost his legs in a car accident in 2005, leaving him 58 wholly(whole)unable to move around. 59 Having learned(learn)to walk using just his hands for years, he now enjoys life as much as the teenagers around him. On his wheelchair he plays basketball and badminton. "I believe that obstacles(障礙) are there 60 to be conquered(conquer), Someone says that life is like a mirror, and we get the best results 61 when / if we smile at it," Peng says.

  • 謂語考慮謂語、非謂語、詞類轉(zhuǎn)換
  • 非謂語做狀語:主被動,先后序
  • 連詞考并列連詞和從屬連詞

His story, which 62 has been viewed(view)more than 19 million times up till now, has gone viral(在網(wǎng)上快速傳播的)on social media platform Sina Weibo and he wins admiration from its users 63 for his courage, determination and hard work. Lu Ming, direetor of the university' 's School of Information and Electrical Engineering, says that the school will helpPeng to pursue his dream—to be a prosthetics engineer. a career 64 which / that will in time change lives.

Peng is not alone. According to the China Disabled Persons" Federation. 14,559 students facing physical challenges entered college last year. From 2016 to 2020, about 57,500 students with special needs enrolled at universities, 65 a more than 50 percent increase compared with the 2011- 2015 period.

【圣誕快樂!】2023屆T8聯(lián)考英語丨語法填空&彩蛋的評論 (共 條)

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