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AC1- memory corridor Tamir

2023-05-12 10:36 作者:Kichho_Aslyim  | 我要投稿

Rafiq: Altair! Welcome, welcome!

Altair: I've done what you asked. Now give me the marker.

Rafiq: **First things first**. Tell me what you know.

Altair: Tamir **rules over** the Souk Al-Silaah. He **makes his fortune** selling arms and armor, and **is supported by many in this endeavor**. Blacksmiths,traders, financiers. He's the largest death-dealer in the land.

Rafiq: And have you **devised a way to** **rid us of** this **blight**?

Altair: A meeting is being arranged at Souk Al-Silaah to discuss an important sale. They say it's the largest deal Tamir has ever made. He'll be distracted with his work. That's when I'll strike.

Rafiq: Your plan seems **solid** enough. **I give you leave to go**.

Altair: Be at peace.

Tamir: You'll pay for this. You, and all your kind.

Altair: It seems you're the one who pays now, my friend. You'll not **profit** from suffering any longer.

Tamir: You think me a **petty** **death-dealer**, **suckling at the breast of** war? A strange target, don't you think? Why me, when so many others do the same?

Altair: You believe yourself different, then?

Tamir: Oh, but I am! For **I serve a far nobler cause than mere profit**. Just like my brothers.

Altair: Brothers?

Tamir: Ah, but he thinks I act alone. **I am but a piece**. **A man with a part to play**. You'll **come to know** the others soon enough. They won't take kindly to what you've done.

Altair: Good. I look forward to ending their lives as well.

Tamir: Such pride. It will destroy you, child.

Rafiq: **Word has reached me of your victory**, Altair. You have my gratitude, and my respect.

Altair: Thank you.

Rafiq: It is a shame that the other Assassins continue to **hold you in such poor regard**.

Altair: Rafiq, I do not care what the others think of me.

Rafiq: As you wish, Altair. You should bring news of your victory to Al Mualim. I'm sure he has more work for you to do.

AC1- memory corridor Tamir的評論 (共 條)

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