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2023-07-22 10:44 作者:bili_51061010595  | 我要投稿

One day on the street to buy ice cream at a cold drink shop, a 5-6 year old girl stood in front of the cash register, and a woman was mopping the floor, looking like the little girl's mother. I asked the little girl how much ice cream was, she said 5 yuan, I handed her ice cream, she started scanning it, and said it was 5 yuan. At this time, the cash cabinet opened, and she began to take 50 yuan, 20 yuan bills, and I held a hundred yuan bill in front of the counter. At this time, her mother came to the cash register and said to the little girl, you need to collect the customer's money first, and then find the change, not the other way around. In the little girl's mind, there is no concept of priority at all, she only thinks about exchanging 95 yuan plus ice cream for 100 yuan for customers, and there is no concept of guarding against customers. And her mother, as an adult, guarded customers from time to time. Does this explain that human beings are inherently good?

人之初性本善?的評論 (共 條)

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