
▲biography的英文釋義為story of a person's life written by sb else,指由其他人撰寫的傳記。如:
There are plenty of biographies for him to browse over. 有大量傳記供他瀏覽。
The book gives potted biographies of all the major painters. 這本書簡述所有重要畫家的生平。
This biography does great honour to the poet’s achievements. 這部傳記為詩人的成就增光添彩。
The letters were used as source material in this new biography. 這些信件作為這本新傳記的原始資料使用。
This new biography contains a wealth of previously unpublished material. 這本新出版的傳記包含大量以前未公開的資料。
▲autobiography 的英文釋義為 story of a person's life written by that person,意思是“自傳”(即自己為自己寫的傳記)。如:
She has just written her autobiography. 她剛寫完自傳。
He published his autobiography last autumn. 他去年秋天出版了自己的自傳。
Her autobiography remained in manuscript (= was not published). 她的自傳一直沒有出版。
This book clearly falls into the category of fictionalised autobiography. 這本書很顯然屬于自傳體小說。
▲memoirs的英文釋義為a person's written account of his life and experiences,意思是個人生活與經(jīng)歷的回憶錄,也可譯為“自傳”。如:
The paper published some short excerpts from Mandela’s memoirs. 該論文發(fā)表了曼德拉回憶錄的一些節(jié)選。
Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought. 無數(shù)次勸他寫回憶錄的嘗試均以失敗告終。
She describes in her memoirs how she coped with her mother’s death. 她在回憶錄中記述自己如何應對母親的去世。
Quite a few have committed social suicide by writing their boring memoirs. 有一些人因為寫那些枯燥無味的回憶錄而毀了自己的社會形象。
In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer. 娜奧米在她的回憶錄里開篇就承認,在她嘗試創(chuàng)作的過程中,她的祖母起了非常重要的作用。