2023-06-27 21:50 作者:自家學(xué)習(xí)用 | 我要投稿

Projects half Done
Permanent head Damage
Pretty huge Decision
Pizza Hut Delivery
Phinally Done
Paranoid hallucination Disease
Pernicious heavy Depression
Premature hairline Decline
Pheeling Desperate
Post hardworking Disease
Poor human Decisions
Probably horrible Destiny
Personal hygiene Deteriorating
Powerful homework Destroyer
Probably hard to Describe
Pretty huge Debt
Pandas hate Dogs
Perspiring hard Daily
Pretend half Doctor
Pretty hard Degree
Postponed holiday Destinations
Personal hatred Development
Paid high Dollars
Pretty huge Disappointment
People have Dream
Poor hungry Doctor
Persistent headache Disorder
Pull him Down
Please handover Dollars
Professional hair Designer
Piled higher & Deeper
Doctor of Philosophy