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By Invitation Only-1

2023-05-20 12:29 作者:Kichho_Aslyim  | 我要投稿

Hope: The Templars desire to understand the nature of these artifacts. Their spies have **called upon** many doctors and other **learned** people in New York.

Kesegowaase: They have also approached many tribes with questions.

Liam: Yeah, they've been showing that Manuscript far and wide. No one can read the strange writing or understand the images. We do have a name though.

Shay: We learned that Lawrence Washington sent out the Manuscript.

Achilles: Lawrence Washington... Businessman, Virginian politician, and **high-ranking** Templar.

Hope: Ah yes, I recently heard he was back from the West Indies. One of my men saw his **majordomo** pick up a strange package.

Achilles: Then that package will be delivered to him **promptly**. Shay, figure out what it is and find Washington. And **when you do... learn all you can**.

Liam: I'll prepare the Morrigan.

`"Called upon" is a phrase that typically means to request, ask, or summon someone to perform a particular action or duty.`

`Overall, a majordomo is a position of authority and responsibility, often associated with managing large households or organizational operations.`?

George: Brother, **are you sure you shouldn't be in bed**?

Lawrence: I am fine, George.

Lawrence: **Be a good host for my sake**. Go to the wine **cellar** and get something special for our guests.

George: I will. Gentlemen.

Lawrence: My brother is **a bright spot in a troubled land**. **If I may make one request** before I depart this life, please leave him in peace. He should have nothing to do with the troubles of the Templar cause.

Weeks: **We all respect that sentiment**, sir.

Lawrence: You have my thanks, gentlemen. Master Smith, are you ready to leave on your voyage?

Smith: Aye, sir! I shall return with answers.

Lawrence: Master Wardrop, are you **likewise** engaged with the manuscript?

Wardrop: Yes, sir. We will soon know its meaning.

Lawrence: **Then I bid you take your leave.**

Shay: Washington **can barely stand on his own two feet**. **You better be right about him**, Liam, because I'm about to murder a dying man.

`The phrase "for my sake" is an expression that typically conveys a request or plea for someone to consider or do something for the benefit or well-being of the speaker.`

`The phrase "We all respect that sentiment" means that everyone involved or present acknowledges and holds a high regard for the expressed feeling, opinion, or belief.`

`In the phrase "I bid you take your leave," the word "bid" means to formally or politely request or command someone to do something. In this context, it is used as a synonym for "ask" or "tell."`

`When someone says "You better be right about him," they are essentially emphasizing the importance of the accuracy or correctness of the person's opinion, perception, or evaluation of someone else.`

By Invitation Only-1的評論 (共 條)

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