20230926 單詞學習
shell·fish?n. /??elf??/ ( pl. shell·fish) a creature with a shell, that lives in water, especially one of the types that can be eaten. Oysters and crabs are all shellfish . 水生有殼動物
?/?m?r??ne?t/ marinatingmarinatedmarinates V-T/V-I If you marinate meat or fish, or if it marinates, you keep it in a mixture of oil, vinegar, spices, and herbs before cooking it, so that it can develop a special flavour. 使受腌汁浸泡; 腌泡 ? Marinate the chicken for at least 4 hours. 把雞肉放在腌汁里浸泡至少四個小時。
v. /wet/ ( -tt- ) [ VN] to increase your desire for or interest in sth 刺激…的欲望;增強…的興趣 ? The book will whet your appetite for more of her work. 你看了這本書就會更想多讀她的著作。
?n. /?stɑ?t?(r)/ 1.( especially BrE ) ( NAmE usually also ap·pe·tiz·er ) a small amount of food that is served before the main course of a meal (主菜之前的)開胃小吃,開胃品 ——compare hors d'oeuvre 2.a person, horse, car, etc. that is in a race at the beginning 參賽人;參賽的馬(或汽車等) ? Only 8 of the 28 starters completed the course. 28名參賽者中,只有8人跑完了全程。 ——compare non-starter 3.a person who gives the signal for a race to start (賽跑等的)發(fā)令員 4.a device used for starting the engine of a vehicle (發(fā)動機的)啟動裝置,啟動器 5.a person who begins doing a particular activity in the way mentioned 起步(或啟動)…的人 ?He was a late starter in the theatre (= older than most people when they start) . 他從事戲劇表演起步較晚。 ?a slow starter 做事起步慢的人 ——see also self-starter 6.( often used as an adjective 常用作形容詞 ) something that is intended to be used by sb who is starting to do sth 在起步階段使用的;啟動時用的 ?a starter home (= a small home for sb who is buying property for the first time) 供初次購房者購買的房屋 ?a starter kit/pack 啟動工具包 IDIOMS 習語 1. FOR ?STARTERS ( informal ) used to emphasize the first of a list of reasons, opinions, etc., or to say what happens first (強調一系列理由、意見等的第一條或表示首先發(fā)生的事)首先,作為開頭 2. UNDER ?STARTER'S ?ORDERS ( of a runner, rider, etc. 賽跑運動員、騎手等 ) waiting for a signal to start the race 等待比賽開始的命令