【TED演講】?jī)?yōu)秀的人是如何訓(xùn)練大腦的 | 學(xué)習(xí)思維方式!

Today is about collabration and i'm going to talk to you about what i think is the most important collabratiob you will ever get .That is the collaboration between you and your mind.When you can collabrate with your mind and tell it about you want. you will get what you want.Now,i'm very lucky that i have been voted Britatin's best therapist several times.I'm in the Tatler Guide to the best of the best.People say to me,"you know ,the brain,that's really complex and complicated ,and takes years to undersatnd".Actually ,that's not true.What i believe is you nedd to know four things about your mind.If you put these four things into pratice,you will have success across the board at every level.So let tell you about these four things are about your mind.Your mind does exactly ,specifically what is thinks you want it to do.It always does what is thinks is in your very best interest.If you have not got what yiu want,but you have got behaviors you do not want,you are not collaborating properly with your mind.I'm going to change that for you.Secondly,your mind is handwired to move you towards pleasure and away from pain.That's why the interest for being trivespeople ,you surive on the planet by avoding pain.Thirdly ,the way you feel about everythijg all the time is only down to two things: the picture you make in your head and the words you say to yourself.Fourtly,your mind loves to what is familiar .It is programed to keep going over again of what is familiar.If you want to succeed at any level,yiu have to got to make what is familiar unfamiliar and what is unfamiliar familiar .So let us start with one.Your mind does what is really thinks you want to do .It is always acting in your own interest ,and your mind listens all thr time to your language.It works out what your are doing and feeling by the words you are using .So if you say:these exams are killing me,i'm dying under this paperwork,my boss is a nightmare ,i' m overwhelmed ,i can not cope with the stress,when you say :I'm dying under the pressure ,this workload is killing me,you are telling your mind you do not want to do it,and if you mind thinks you do not want to do it,guess what, it will encourage you to procrastinate,bunk off ,and not apply yourself.Your mind is so very ,very specific to the words you use that if you say,I 'd love a week off in bed ,i'm overwhelmed with this stress.I just wish i could have a weekoff a.t home lounging arounding Your mind goes ,There you go,i have givrn you the flu.Didn't you ask for that.You said you wanted to week off in bed,and i have given you the flu.If you say ,i'm dreading having to give that prsentation next Wednesday.I'm do anything to get out of it.Your mind is like ,Ok,why don't i wake you up with a migraine or an upset stomach