
歡迎光臨散文網(wǎng) 會員登陸 & 注冊


2023-03-04 23:10 作者:凌霄百科_Excel辦公程序  | 我要投稿


Dim wbname As String

Private Sub CommandButton獲取_Click()


With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("名稱列表")? '清除原列表數(shù)據(jù)

? ? .Columns(1).ClearFormats

? ? .Columns(1).ClearContents

? ? .Columns(2).ClearFormats

? ? .Columns(2).ClearContents

End With

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作界面")

If .Cells(2, "C").Value <> "" Then

? ? wbname = .Cells(2, "C").Value


MsgBox "請輸入工作簿名稱(包含擴(kuò)展名)"

Exit Sub

End If

End With

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Workbooks(wbname).Worksheets.Count

? ? ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("名稱列表").Cells(i, 1).Value = Workbooks(wbname).Worksheets(i).Name

Next i


End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton刪除_Click()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作界面")

If .Cells(2, "C").Value <> "" Then

? ? wbname = .Cells(2, "C").Value


MsgBox "請輸入工作簿名稱(包含擴(kuò)展名)"

Exit Sub

End If

End With

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("名稱列表")

? ? Dim i As Long

? ? Dim imax As Long

? ? imax = .Cells(1000000, 1).End(xlUp).Row

? ? For i = 1 To imax

? ? ? ? If .Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" And .Cells(i, 2).Value <> "" Then

? ? ? ? ? ? Workbooks(wbname).Worksheets(CStr(.Cells(i, 1).Value)).Delete

? ? ? ? End If

? ? Next i

? ? Workbooks(wbname).Save

? ? MsgBox "處理完成"

End With

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub


Dim wbname As String

Private Sub CommandButton獲取_Click()


With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("名稱列表")? '清除原列表數(shù)據(jù)

? ? .Columns(1).ClearFormats

? ? .Columns(1).ClearContents

End With

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作界面")

If .Cells(2, "C").Value <> "" Then

? ? wbname = .Cells(2, "C").Value


MsgBox "請輸入工作簿名稱(包含擴(kuò)展名)"

Exit Sub

End If

End With

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Workbooks(wbname).Worksheets.Count

? ? ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("名稱列表").Cells(i, 1).Value = Workbooks(wbname).Worksheets(i).Name

Next i


End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton提取_Click()

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("提取結(jié)果")? '清除原列表數(shù)據(jù)

? ? .UsedRange.ClearFormats

? ? .UsedRange.ClearContents

End With

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("操作界面")

If .Cells(2, "C").Value <> "" Then

? ? wbname = .Cells(2, "C").Value


MsgBox "請輸入工作簿名稱(包含擴(kuò)展名)"

Exit Sub

End If

Dim extractrange As String

If .Cells(6, "C").Value <> "" Then

? ? extractrange = .Cells(6, "C").Value


MsgBox "請輸入提取區(qū)域地址"

Exit Sub

End If

End With

Dim addrow As Long

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("名稱列表")

? ? Dim i As Long

? ? Dim imax As Long

? ? imax = .Cells(1000000, 1).End(xlUp).Row

? ? For i = 1 To imax

? ? ? ? If .Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then

? ? ? ? With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("提取結(jié)果")

? ? ? ? ? ? addrow = .UsedRange.Cells(.UsedRange.Cells.Count).Row + 2

? ? ? ? End With

? ? ? ? ? ? Workbooks(wbname).Worksheets(CStr(.Cells(i, 1).Value)).Range(extractrange).Copy ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("提取結(jié)果").Cells(addrow, 1)

? ? ? ? End If

? ? Next i

? ? MsgBox "處理完成"

End With


End Sub

實例21-刪除工作簿中多個工作表,實例22-提取多個工作表合并為一個工作表的評論 (共 條)

通道| 普安县| 乌兰察布市| 浪卡子县| 兴业县| 津南区| 蓝田县| 葵青区| 福州市| 长顺县| 寿宁县| 常山县| 宁南县| 钦州市| 布拖县| 浦县| 萨迦县| 梨树县| 丰镇市| 莱州市| 广元市| 于都县| 安溪县| 巩留县| 木里| 汨罗市| 永吉县| 开封市| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 宁化县| 施甸县| 夏津县| 襄汾县| 永靖县| 洱源县| 济源市| 广德县| 弋阳县| 明溪县| 密山市| 永吉县|