
In all big cities there are self-contained groups that exist without intercommunication, small worlds within a greater world that lead their lives, their members dependent upon one another for companionship, as though they inhabited islands separated from each other by an unnavigable strait.
She had lost him before, and on seeing him again, taking him for the old Larry, she had a feeling that, however altered the circumstances, he was still hers; and now, as though she had sought to catch a sunbeam in her hand and it slipped through her fingers as she grasped it, she was a trifle dismayed.
I wanted the experience. Whenever I've got water-logged spiritually, whenever I've absorbed all I can for the time, I've found it useful to do something of that sort.
I didn't say anything. I had seen dead men when I was a medical student and I had seen many more during the war. What had dismayed me was how trifling they looked. There was no dignity in them. Marionettes that the showman had thrown into the discard.
I'm like a lost soul in this great city.
I didn't want to act a part I didn't feel.
The dead look so terribly dead when they're dead.
Sometimes a very small thing will have an effect on you out of all proportion to the event. It depends on the circumstances and your mood at the time.
I want to make up my mind whether God is or God is not. I want to find out why evil exists. I want to know whether I have an immortal soul or whether when I die it's the end.
The answer to that is that everyone doesn't feel like me. Fortunately for themselves, perhaps, most people are prepared to follow the normal course; what you forget is that I want to learn as passionately as—Gray, for instance, wants to make pots of money. Am I really a traitor to my country because I want to spend a few years educating myself? It may be that when I'm through I shall have something to give that people will be glad to take.
I do love you. Unfortunately sometimes one can't do what one thinks is right without making someone else unhappy.
You know, in learning there's the lone wolf as well as the wolf who runs in the pack.
There’ll be none of this damned equality in heaven.
You are a deeply religious man who doesn’t believe in God.
Ultimate satisfaction can only be found in the life of the spirit, and that by himself following with selflessness and renunciation the path of perfection.