IfFP China|為什么退休計劃會出錯,以及如何修正
人為因素包括金融心理試探,如主觀估值錯誤以及選擇性感知、非理性決策和實施不一致。人喜歡與自己和平相處,與世界和平相處,在后半生更是如此。所謂的“認知失調(diào)”即經(jīng)濟學(xué)家馬克斯﹒呂舍爾·馬蒂(Max Lüscher Marty)所稱的思想與行為矛盾:“說‘我吸煙,吸煙有害健康’的人都出現(xiàn)了認知失調(diào)。說‘我吸煙,吸煙讓我平靜’的人都表現(xiàn)出了認知恒定?!毙袨榻鹑趯W(xué)仍然只關(guān)注投資過程,尋求解釋為什么投資者高買低賣,或者為什么我們貪婪地搞加密貨幣投機生意。關(guān)鍵是延伸行為心理學(xué)洞察,深入了解退休規(guī)劃過程。

以下為Reto Spring老師的原稿
Why retirement plans go wrong – and how to get them right
As a rule of thumb, one in two retirement plans must be disqualified as flawed and inadequate. What are the reasons and how can mistakes be avoided?
Even wealthy people are afraid of having life left at the end of their money. And despite many technical aids and a great deal of retirement planning, there is no absolute certainty that our calculations and retirement plans will work out as we wish. Reasons are manyfold: human as well as technical factors make about every second retirement plan missing its targets. Would you board a plane if you knew that the probability of reaching your desired destination would be only 50%?
Human factors include financial psychological heuristics such as subjective valuation errors as well as selective perception, irrational decisions and inconsistent implementations. People like to be at peace with themselves and the world, and more so in the second half of their life. There is a bon mot about "cognitive dissonance," as contradictions in thinking and acting are called, by the economist Max Lüscher-Marty: "Whoever states, I smoke, and smoking is harmful to health, experiences cognitive dissonance. Whoever states, I smoke, and smoking calms me down, experiences cognitive constancy." Behavioral finance still focuses exclusively on the investment process, seeking explanations for why investors buy at highs and exit at lows, or why we greedily speculate in cryptocurrencies. The key here is to extend behavioral psychology insights to the retirement planning process.
More technical factors include assumptions leading to "fake knowledge" or "pseudo reliability." These include assumptions about inflation, interest rates and life expectancy, as well as the neglect of risks that we cannot quantify or measure, but that nevertheless exist or may occur: Let's call them uncertainties. These can occur in the economic, regulatory, or political environment, have to do with nature, the climate or our health. Just because we can't cast the probability of occurrence in a mathematical model, doesn't mean we can negate it.
In practice, people when depleting their assets, often adhere to the 4% rule. Many wealth managers, retirement planners, and financial influencers still advocate the "Bengen Rule", which postulates that if you consume 4% of your assets each year, you are on the safe side and will preserve your investment. Though, the rule has been scientifically disproved for long (e.g., W. Pfau in 2017).
According to the 4 % rule, money is continuously withdrawn from the assets. However, strong negative market fluctuations at the beginning of the withdrawal process will be seriously detrimental for the long-term wealth perspective. Unfortunately, this effect, known as sequence of return risk, is disregarded by many retirement planners, with the effect that retirees, while enjoying good health and a long life, may run out of money.
Mistakes of such kind can be avoided to a large extent, if they are early addressed at the beginning of retirement planning. To this end, retirement advisors should have practical experience, up-to-date knowledge as well as implementation skills.
Risks cannot be completely avoided. Often, the biggest risk is to take no more risk. And not making a decision is also a decision, though a bad one. There is no absolute certainty. But the certainty of having done everything humanly possible is highly beneficial enough. You reach your goal when you can look back on your life calmly and contentedly and enjoy your retirement with no financial worries.
Reto Spring is a Swiss financial planner. He holds a Swiss Postgraduate Diploma of Higher Education in Financial Planning (Financial Planning Expert) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) license. He is the Chairman of the Swiss Financial Planners Association FPVS. Reto has been working as an independent fee-based advisor for physicians and entrepreneurs with a focus on retirement planning. Today, he lectures financial planning at Swiss educational institutions and publishes regularly. Reto Spring is also a regular lecturer and columnist for the IfFP Swiss Wealth Management Professional Training Center Shanghai.

Reto Spring
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