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[Ozzie]Short SM64 Hacks Compilation 6 (Savestateless)

2023-10-24 21:38 作者:腫么這么卡啊233  | 我要投稿

Jun 10, 2023

Hello! This is a compilation of a bunch of short SM64 Rom Hacks that I have played!

vv All hacks listed below can be found on Romhacking.com vv


0:00 Friday 64 by Mushie64

19:58 Classic Skylands (Casual nerf version) by Tomatobird8

43:35 Mario: Combat Evolved by bup0889

50:10 Dariustale 64 by Goofydudeguya

51:20 BTY SM64 Hack by BlueToonYoshi

55:49 Super Mario in the box by BTY, Chuggers, Monke

1:02:42 Just a Generically Bad Levora Edit by DLizard, Lugmillord

1:27:46 Nataniel Bendi by Davide

1:40:01 Nathan Bandy by jesusyoshi54

2:02:10 Squidward Musicals by TherealDarknes

2:03:40 Hollow Knight 64 by Astaroth

2:08:54 Toadette's music room by KeyBlader

2:17:00 Impossible Hak by PolarCat

2:20:03 DK's Adventure by Joern

2:34:01 New Mario Bros 64 Demo by Nutta

2:40:42 Mario In Clock Town by Romcad_

3:10:56 On and On 64 by elarix

3:23:29 Kid Dicarus: The Uprising by KeyBlader

3:31:55 CaveStory 64 by dspostma

3:40:33 Super Mario Crosses Over by saxamuhphumpet

3:42:41 When Mario Cries by Addq24

3:49:07 Mario's Musical Madness by LukeyReyno

4:06:18 Beat Block Beatdown by usernamesarespiders

4:15:05 Lack Of Inspiration 64 by Krobuc

4:24:17 FAKE ASS SHOES 64 by Kahan

4:31:52 The Invitation 2: An Uninvited Guest by furyiousfight

4:46:30 Mischevous Villain’s Cake-Con by Reonu

5:07:42 delicious rom i found by rom-hack-eater

5:13:05 SHITMAN by KeyBlader

5:15:56 PMD: The Forest of Shadows by rosalubyte

5:30:20 Mario Goes To Traisure Island 64 by superjonahworld

5:33:19 Stolen Stars by LuigiXHero

5:34:38 Insanity Clause by Dan-GPTV

5:53:26 Mario's Easter 64 by Devpool

5:56:35 First ROM hack by Korneel225

6:04:09 BeetleJuice64 by LittleTub

6:16:58 Valley of the Lost Souls by MishuK9

6:23:10 Termina Field by TheGael95

6:53:17 Daniele 0.69 - Komplettes Chaos by Complete-Kaotik

7:28:29 SM64: Curse of Level Corruption by Defacube

7:38:09 Super Mario Goes to T-Mobile to Upgrade His Data Plan (Demo) by OreoThePigeon

7:48:56 Super Mario 64: Rocky Mountain Revisited by DavidHolandaOne

^^ All hacks listed above can be found on Romhacking.com ^^

Streamed Live at: https://www.twitch.tv/ozsef

My Romhacking.com Page: https://romhacking.com/user/Ozsef

[Ozzie]Short SM64 Hacks Compilation 6 (Savestateless)的評(píng)論 (共 條)

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