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《中國生活研究》第二章:生育的風(fēng)俗(英文) 【加】Adam Grainger

2023-01-15 20:51 作者:舞胎僊館門外灑掃僕  | 我要投稿



When a child is expected, the wife's mother2, carrying a?present of chicken, eggs, sesamum oil, and other things, pays a?visit to her daughter3.


Just before the child is born a sorcerer4?is called in to?exorcise all evil influences5?from the house, and so ensure peace.This is called the “Exorcism of?Great Peace6.”


At the birth a midwife7?is called in. Should the birth8?be?attended with?difficulty, recourse is had to fire-crackers, guns,or whatever other device can be thought of to scare away the?evil spirits.


After the child is born the maternal grandmother comes?again bringing presents of clothing, cap, and shoes for the baby,and of eatables for the mother9. The neighbours and friends?also congratulate the parents.


The birth of a boy is called?a “Great Joy?10,” and the birth?of a girl a “Small?Jor11”. A boy?is also spoken of as “one who?plays with a jade toy12,” and a girl as “one who plays with apotsherd13”.


A day or two after the child is born, the father, bearing a?present of red eggs, proceeds to the home of his near relatives?to report the birth14. He also sends red eggs15to his friends?and acquaintances, who respond, anytime within the month,by




sending presents of food for the mother, or clothing and ornaments for the baby1.


Considerable solicitude is felt regarding the first visitor2?to?the house, as the child's whole career may be blighted by meeting?with an ill-starred person.


The midwife is invited to the house on the third day to?wash the baby for the first time3. (Some babies are not washed?till they are several months old.) After tie baby has been?washed, the midwife and the mother worship the Goddess or?Progeny4: offering a?chicken, and burning candles, incense,and paper before her shrine. The shrine, which is the property?of the midwife,usually consists of the name, or a rough?sketch of the goddess, on a small?cardboard screen.The female?relatives are present, and a feast is prepared; after which the?midwife is “thanked5” with a few hundred, or a few thousand?cash, according to the standing of the family, and here her duties?end.


The mother is confined to the house for at least a month6.After a full?month, the relatives and friends who have given?presents are invited to a feast7. Sometimes the women ?only are invited, as this is said to be simply a women's affair.


When the child is a month or so old, a barber is called into shave its head ail over8. He?uses an old razor for this operation,because it is impossible to sharpen a razor again after it?has been used to shave a milk-baby's head. About double his?ordinary fee, wrapped in red paper, is given as remuneration.


On the first anniversary of the boy's birth9, the relatives?and friends bring presents of baby clothes, hats, ornaments, play-things10, and red eggs. The baby is placed on the floor, and?around him are laid various articles, such?as, a book, pencil,chopsticks. money, etc. ; or the articles may be arranged on a?tray and placed before him. The first thing the baby grabs?at11,shows what he is going to become. If he seizes a book,he will become a scholar; if money, a wealthy man; and so on.A feast concludes the ceremony.


1.送月米、送月禮、送湯餅 ?2.逢生 ?3.洗三 ?4.送子娘娘 ?5.謝穩(wěn)婆 ?6.坐月 ?7.滿月酒 ?8.剃胎毛 ?9.滿一歲 ?10.耍玩意兒 ?11.抓週、週歲、碎盤、做歲歲






A woman who has died in childbirth2?is said to have been?a great sinner, and therefore unclean3: There is no place for?her in Hades4. The relatives must burn a complete house and kitchen outfit5?for her, so that she may be able to find shelter?and to cook her own food. Tie demons all molest her, and?give her no rest till the gods are petitioned on her behalf.


A few Taoist priests are called in. They first hang up a?scroll6?bearing the portraits of the Three Goddess7?who control?natal affairs, the Son Bestowing Goddess8, and the Smallpox?and Measies Goddess9. After burning incense and candies, and?chanting prayers, a petition10?for the woman's forgiveness and?release11?is?drawn up12?on yellow paper, enclosed in a large?envelope13, and burned.


The room in which the woman died is then entered, a hole?made through the roof, and the spirit tablet14. passed through to a person above. The spirit of the deceased woman is then?said to have been released, and to have safely reached the?Peach Fountain Cave15?of the Three Goddesses.


1.?奏曹 ?2.產(chǎn)難 ?3.不乾淨(jìng) ?4.陰間 ?5.燒紙伙 ?6.神龕子 ?7.三婆娘娘、三霄 ?8.送子娘娘 ?9.痘麻娘娘 ?10.文書 ?11.超脫 ?12.申文 ?13.文書童子 ?14.靈牌 ?15.桃源洞

《中國生活研究》第二章:生育的風(fēng)俗(英文) 【加】Adam Grainger的評論 (共 條)

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