智能優(yōu)化算法?? ? ??神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)預(yù)測?? ? ??雷達通信?? ? ?無線傳感器?? ? ? ?電力系統(tǒng)
信號處理?? ? ? ? ? ? ?圖像處理?? ? ? ? ? ? ??路徑規(guī)劃?? ? ??元胞自動機?? ? ? ?無人機
?? 內(nèi)容介紹
圖像配準是遙感圖像處理中非常重要的一環(huán),它能夠?qū)⒉煌瑫r間、不同角度或者不同傳感器獲取的圖像進行精確的對準,為后續(xù)的變化檢測、地圖更新等工作提供可靠的基礎(chǔ)。在圖像配準的研究中,基于尺度不變特征變換(Scale-Invariant Feature Transform,SIFT)的算法因其對圖像的旋轉(zhuǎn)、尺度、光照變化具有不變性而備受關(guān)注。
SIFT算法是由David Lowe在1999年提出的一種圖像特征點提取和描述算法,它通過檢測圖像中的極值點,并利用這些極值點周圍的局部梯度信息計算出描述子,從而實現(xiàn)對圖像的特征提取和匹配。在遙感圖像配準中,SIFT算法能夠有效地處理不同光照條件、不同視角和尺度的圖像,具有較強的魯棒性和匹配精度。
?? 部分代碼
function [f inlierIdx] = ransac1( x,y,ransacCoef,funcFindF,funcDist )
%[f inlierIdx] = ransac1( x,y,ransacCoef,funcFindF,funcDist )
% ?Use RANdom SAmple Consensus to find a fit from X to Y.
% ?X is M*n matrix including n points with dim M, Y is N*n;
% ?The fit, f, and the indices of inliers, are returned.
% ?RANSACCOEF is a struct with following fields:
% ?minPtNum,iterNum,thDist,thInlrRatio
% ?MINPTNUM is the minimum number of points with whom can we
% ?find a fit. For line fitting, it's 2. For homography, it's 4.
% ?ITERNUM is the number of iteration, THDIST is the inlier
% ?distance threshold and ROUND(THINLRRATIO*n) is the inlier number threshold.
% ?FUNCFINDF is a func handle, f1 = funcFindF(x1,y1)
% ?x1 is M*n1 and y1 is N*n1, n1 >= ransacCoef.minPtNum
% ?f1 can be of any type.
% ?FUNCDIST is a func handle, d = funcDist(f,x1,y1)
% ?It uses f returned by FUNCFINDF, and return the distance
% ?between f and the points, d is 1*n1.
% ?For line fitting, it should calculate the dist between the line and the
% ?points [x1;y1]; for homography, it should project x1 to y2 then
% ?calculate the dist between y1 and y2.
minPtNum = ransacCoef.minPtNum;
iterNum = ransacCoef.iterNum;
thInlrRatio = ransacCoef.thInlrRatio;
thDist = ransacCoef.thDist;
ptNum = size(x,2);
thInlr = round(thInlrRatio*ptNum);
inlrNum = zeros(1,iterNum);
fLib = cell(1,iterNum);
for p = 1:iterNum
?% 1. fit using ?random points
?sampleIdx = randIndex(ptNum,minPtNum);
?f1 = funcFindF(x(:,sampleIdx),y(:,sampleIdx));
?% 2. count the inliers, if more than thInlr, refit; else iterate
?dist = funcDist(f1,x,y);
?inlier1 = find(dist < thDist);
?inlrNum(p) = length(inlier1);
?if length(inlier1) < thInlr, continue; end
?fLib{p} = funcFindF(x(:,inlier1),y(:,inlier1));
% 3. choose the coef with the most inliers
[~,idx] = max(inlrNum);
f = fLib{idx};
dist = funcDist(f,x,y);
inlierIdx = find(dist < thDist);
?? 運行結(jié)果