PvZ2 Penny's Pursuit: Ail-mint
Below are the tips of the selected levels.
Best perk: Hyper Healing Perk
Quite easy level to complete both Bonus Objectives.
Best plant: Shrinking Violet
- Shrunken Weasel Hoarder cannot release Ice Weasels.
- Shrunken Troglobite cannot push ice blocks.
- Synergizes perfectly with Draftodil (for stun zombies objective) to blow off shrunken zombies.
- Imp Pear is fine but it only aims at single zombie at a time.
LEVEL 2 | Last Stand
Best perk: Penny Multi Shield Perk
As for new game update, Octo Zombie can aim at Lily Pad (without plants).
Use a melee plant (Pokra / Bonk Choy / Bamboo Spartan - only for early access, etc) to destroy octopus before Octo Zombie can throw a new octopus.
LEVEL 3 | Vasebreaker
Best perk: Bass Blast Perk
Ignore Hypno-shroom!
Best perk: Bass Blast Perk / Jalapeno Pepper Perk
First 5 plants are pre-picked:?
For Spicy difficulty, recommended plants for seed slots include: Chilli Bean, Imp Pear.
Yeti cannot be knocked back and hypnotized.
LEVEL 5 | Conveyor
Best perk: Bass Blast Perk
Impossible to kill Caesar Zombie with low-lvl Red Stinger, Ghost Pepper and Citron.
Chill Zombie objective is possible by stalling as many zombies as possible at one lane, then repeatedly apply Hurrikale to that lane.
ZOMBOSS | Zombot Tomorrow-tron - Far Future
Zombie level: Lvl 1 / 4 / 7
Zomboss health bar: 7 / 9 / 11
Seed slot: 7 / 6 / 5
Locked plant: Ail-mint
Best perk: Bass Blast Perk / Hyper Healing Perk (with Chard Guard)
Quite easy level in general.
Bowling Bulb strategy is generally the best even at low lvl (boosted by Appease-mint).
Plenty of Plant Food-carrying zombies.
Sun-producing plant is required, there are not many suns dropping from the sky.