tamp夯實(shí) wad團(tuán),填料 Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe. 菲爾波特一團(tuán)煙絲搗進(jìn)他的煙斗。 apprehend?逮捕,理解 ??apprehend the miscreants threshold門檻,閾 ?maneuver細(xì)致巧妙的移動 ??She can then maneuver the 3D image on the computer screen to map the shortest, least invasive surgical path to the tumor. 然后,她可以操縱電腦屏幕上的 3D 圖像,以繪制出最短、切口最小的通往腫瘤的手術(shù)路徑。 crux關(guān)鍵,癥結(jié) ??You‘ve grasped the crux of the matter! phantom幽靈 ??The Phantom of the Opera must be the most iconic Broadway musical ever, and it's for a good reason. It's so incredible. 《歌劇魅影》一定是百老匯最具代表的一部作品,這是有原因的。它真不可思議。 sojourn逗留 sleet雨夾雪 ??At any time I could run into rain, sleet, snow, or scorching heat. 任何時候我都可能會碰到下雨、下雨夾雪、下雪或是酷暑天。 incandescent白熾的 outrageous極其夸張的,無法容忍的 ??Such an outrageous question! foes敵人 fatal致命的fetal胎兒的 ransom贖金,釋放 ??Her kidnapper extorted a $175,000 ransom for her release. 綁架者勒索175,000美元作為釋放她的贖金。 prop支柱,支撐物/(戲劇電影中的)道具 wager賭注,賭博 ???I'll wager that she knows more about it than she's saying. 我敢打賭,她知道的比她說的要多。 convene召集,集合 knack訣竅,本領(lǐng) ??you definitely have a knack for it! go places 有前途,成功 holistic整體的 ??a more holistic approach shoddy劣質(zhì)的,粗制濫造的 hit the nail on the head一針見血 ??His remarks always hit the nail on the head. 他的評論總是一針見血。 pedestal(雕像)底座,受人尊敬的地位 ??put sb on a pedestal casket小盒,骨灰盒 replica復(fù)制品