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Aigododecathlon P15

2023-07-31 17:18 作者:Cyan_Lotus_Lu  | 我要投稿

Note:Xibalian is "西番蓮"

"Ugh......Why am I here?"Tech says,"Huh?Iron?Indicolite?......Why are we here?"

Indicolite answers:"Well,we had an adventure inside the hospital,but all survivors are hurt."

"Fortunately though,"Clear cyan continues,"this time,it isn't meaningless.Cyan had mostly recovered (only ones from this time) and is now at the team she holds."

"But don't go there now!"Iron,as he walks into the room,says,"She is in a meeting.Luna and Yang Fei is putting on the police line......"

Inside the meeting room......

"Hmm......"Cyan clears her throat and speaks:"So,I've found xibalian like patterns on corpses and on the floor of balcony.Do you guys spot unusual things in your day?"

Copper says:"I found that when I am with Diamond on the last time,he already has the xibalian pattern.I asked him,but he didn't say a single word.His hands are cold too."

After that,many people says about that.Soon,Turquoise and Crimson takes White,a suspicious one,to quarantine.The rest continues the meeting.

Tan says:"Cyan,there is actually a girl called Xibalian.Maybe we should search more."

Soon after the meeting ends,Tan gives the following result:Xibalian is related and critical to the disaster.If they can find her,we'll probably at the disaster's conclusion.

What happened next?Read the next composition.

Aigododecathlon P15的評論 (共 條)

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