[Ozzie]Silver Stars of Wisdom - Overworlds 1 & 2 (Savestateless)
Nov 25, 2023
Hello! This was my live playthrough of overworlds 1 and 2 in Silver Stars of Wisdom by aglab2, AndrewSM64, Caasje, Cavin856, LouderMonkeyBoy, MorningStorm64, Scarlet64, ShiN3, SirNoCancel, sizzlingmario4, SomeBro.
Review: I'm gonna split talking about OW1 and OW2 into two parts. I'm gonna start with OW1. OW1 was really enjoyable for me, from andrew's level to c4, to ES. This overworld has some really good levels but also some bad ones. B1 and C5. C5 secrets took me quite a bit of time because getting back after secret 1 took while and I choked a few times passed it. C5 reds also took me a little bit because getting passed the starting reds. I also choked 15/15 once which made me really tilted. I ended up doing 3 hours of attempts with no luck and then first attempt of the next stream I got it first try. B1 was fine but good lord that star with the small squares took me so long bc i kept dying at the end due to bad collision.
OW2 is where this hack really peaks for me. This overworld has many fun levels like c6, c7, c9, and Chronomagic cavern. C7 was easily my favorite out of any level. I know that its a easy af stage but I genuinely really liked this stage. C9 is also a contender for my favorite since its a somebro level and all? somebro levels are good. Sadly, this overworld also had one of my least favorite levels in the hack. C10 really made me pissed off in several different times. First was on the Hailstone Tower's Flipside star. This star had some really annoying parts to it from a bad sniffit placement at the first corner jump to arches at the end of the star. The second part that really annoyed me was during reds. I died so many times to bullshit like the purple transparent wallkicks, the lava triangles, and invisible walls. I really just did not like this stage in the slightest.?
Surely, OW3 will still be fun right?... r-right?
Streamed Live at: https://www.twitch.tv/ozsef
My Romhacking.com Page: https://romhacking.com/user/Ozsef